(Video showing usage)
How important is a Readme file in GitHub? Well, there are some that think “Not very important, just type whatever” and there are others who believe a good Readme is almost as important as the software itself. Well, this Node Readme Generator will help you make a professional looking Readme everytime! See for yourself!
No real installation necessary, however you do need to have NPM modules installed in order for the Node Professional Readme Generator to work. (Mainly: inquirer, open, fs)
The following technologies were used to create this site/application/software/project:
The following individuals contributed to the creation of this site/application/software/project: Tish McNeel (helped with certain syntax and expertise)
If you have questions or comments about this project, please feel free to contact me via e-mail:
You can also find more of my projects on my GitHub page:
Please see the images below to see how the Node Professional Readme Generator looks! (Yes, this readme was created using the Node Professional Readme Generator. I only went in and corrected spelling errors, formatted the “Usage” section with bullet points and added the Screenshots!)